Sean Odom
Pastor Sean became senior pastor of CrossPointe Church in September 2021. He grew up in Miami, FL and has spent time in the military, worked as a teacher, an addiction counselor, youth minister, assistant pastor and church planter. Sean is married to his beautiful wife Cary and loves spending time with her and the six children they share together. You can often find him getting out on a hike, off-roading in his jeep, or hitting the road on his motorcycle. You can reach him by calling the church anytime M-Th or email at Pip777sqk@yahoo.com
Shawna Mueller
Secretary/ Nursery Leader
Shawna is our church secretary and keeps up with all the requests for things that come in! She also organizes and runs the nursery, in which she is in need of Volunteers. Shawna is married to Chris, and they share three children: Samantha, Joseph and Ryker. Shawna has been attending the church for over a decade(!). She adds so much to our children's area. She enjoys helping her parents at the Farmer's Market, playing video games with her kids and Chris, family time and being around friends.

Cody and Brittney Webster
Children's Ministry Leaders
Cody Webster and his wife Brittney are in charge of our children's ministry. They are currently working through Answers in Genesis with the children on Sunday mornings during children's church. They have two children of their own. Cody works as the elder for oversight of the ministry and Brittney is a local teacher. They love spending time outdoors.